I have returned from a lovely week of vacation with my family. We all took a cruise to Bermuda and despite Hurricane Bill's attempt to "rain on my parade", it was a fabulous trip! The weather was great (because we left Bermuda early!) and spent time at gorgeous beaches. Check out my pictures! Blogger is giving me trouble now, so I apologize for the lack of order and the wacky underlining of this paragraph!
My first and quite possibly, last jet ski rental...so fast and scary!
I was in search of pink sand, but this was the best I found.
Horseshoe Bay Beach was so beautiful and crowded with cruise visitors!
I have one more last adventure to look forward to this weekend- the Dutchess County Fair! I have attended for 28 years now and love sharing the tradition now with Emma. I promise to post some pictures when I return. Check out the link, if you want to learn more about it:
Other than traveling, I have been busy at school unpacking supplies with Mrs. Christian and Mrs. Dallaire. We are looking forward to a super year in second grade!
As promised, here is our specialist schedule for your planning purposes:
Monday- Music
Tuesday- Library
Wednesday- Phys. Ed
Thursday- Art
Friday- Phys. Ed
Be sure to wear/bring sneakers for the first day of school! I will let you know when we have computer lab once Mr. Gervais sets the class schedules up. I love computer lab and we will go many times this year to do special projects!
If you're anything like me, you probably hate to pack your lunch each day. I get tired of the eating the same lunches day after day, but I also don't really like to buy lunch. Luckily, I found a few websites to help keep my lunchbox choices fresh and healthy. There are also some good snack recipes to try as well. Click on the links to check them out if you are looking for some new ideas. Let me know if you find something tasty!
Here are some ideas for help in the morning for friends who are not "morning people"....yet!?!
Finally, here are 3 "green" ways to recycle and have cool lunch gear. You will need an adult to help you.
1.) A milk money wallet ( with video to help)
2.) reusable lunch containers (instead of plastic bags)
3.) a lunch sack
Be sure to let me know if you make any of these projects. They would be great items to share at "Morning Meeting"!
I guess that is it for now. Please post a comment, if you get a chance. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, September 2, 2009! Have a great last week of vacation!
Love, Mrs, Gorham
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